ODRŽAN PRVI ONLINE SASTANAK ZA EVROPSKI PROJEKAT Integrated Sport Educational Plan to tackle Racism of Youth ( iSER )
U susret realizaciji evropskog projekta Integrated Sport Educational Plan to tackle Racism of Youth (iSER), predstavnici Saveza Sport za sve Vojvodine, 26. februara učestvovali su na prvom online sastanku sa partnerskim organizacijama.
Projekat, čiji je cilj borba protiv rasizma kod mladih kroz sport i edukaciju, realizuje se u okviru Erasmus + sport programa i traje 18 meseci.
Nosilac projekta je Biedrība „European Center for Research and Regional Development” (ECRRED) – Letonija a pored Saveza Sport za sve Vojvodine, partneri na projektu su “Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl” (IHF) – Belgija, “Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto” (DRPDNM) – Slovenija i “Institoyto Koinonikis Kainotomias kai Synoxis” (Fifty-Fifty) – Grčka.
Tokom online sastanka prezentovane su sve partnerske organizacije kao i projektne aktivnosti u okviru iSER projekta. Takođe, govorilo se i o uticaju pandemije COVID 19 na realizaciju planiranih projektnih aktivnosti.
U narednom periodu planira se održavanje još jednog on line sastanka na kom bi se utvrdila konkretna dinamika realizacije ovog projekta.
THE FIRST ONLINE MEETING HELD FOR EUROPEAN PROJECT Integrated Sport Educational Plan to tackle Racism of Youth (iSER)
In anticipation of the implementation of the European project Integrated Sport Educational Plan to tackle Racism of Youth (iSER), representatives of the Association Sport for All Vojvodina, on February 26, participated in the first online meeting with partner organizations.
The project, which aims to combat racism among young people through sports and education, is implemented within the Erasmus + sports program and lasts 18 months.
The project holder is Biedrība “European Center for Research and Regional Development” (ECRRED) – Latvia and in addition to the Sports Association for All Vojvodina, the project partners are “Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl” (IHF) – Belgium, “Development Society voluntary work ”Novo mesto” (DRPDNM) – Slovenia and “Institoyto Koinonikis Kainotomias kai Synoxis” (Fifty-Fifty) – Greece.
During the online meeting, all partner organizations were presented as well as project activities within the iSER project. Also, the impact of the pandemic COVID 19 on the implementation of planned activities was discussed.
In the next period, another online meeting is planned to determine the concrete dynamics of the realization of this project.